Safety Measures while travelling to Egypt in 2019

You might be considering traveling to Egypt, but you do not know whether it is safe to do so.

You’ve heard the news, you fear for your life because of the assaults, displaced people and human rights infringements that you hear happening in Northern Africa.

So the question again, is Egypt safe? Yes, although they have been problems in Egypt, the country is safe to visit.

Security in Egypt

After the November upset in 2011 and the following episode with the Muslim Brotherhood (short as it might have been) traveler numbers nearly dropped to zero. Kidnappings and assaults against tourists also became an issue during that period.

They were 7 major attacks in Egypt in 2017, 6 in 2016 and 4 in 2018.

Fortunately, the political circumstance settled in the next few years. 2018 was the main year that saw a huge increment in the travel industry (as indicated by neighborhood guides and lodgings) and a reestablished enthusiasm for Egypt.

Although it is generally safe to visit Egypt there are still some precautions and safety measures you need to consider.

  • For now, visiting the Sinai Peninsula is not a wise choice. Traveling excessively deep into the desert, particularly without an escort won’t be keen either. There are still a few internal clashes in Egypt that you don’t want to get yourself involved with.
  • Traveling is smaller groups is more secure than traveling in a large group. This is because less attention is drawn to smaller groups.
  • It is very simple to get lost in the enormous markets and it would be best if you get a guide. You  should decide to further explore the city during the evening times.
  • Don’t wear expensive clothing or jewelry. This would likely draw undue attention to you and makes you a potential victim of a mugging.
  • Carry small cash with you instead of using a MasterCard for petty expenses. This would make it less evident that you are a tourist or visitor in Egypt.
  • There are many cabs around Cairo and other cities in Egypt so you can easily call them to take you to your lodge when you get lost or feel unsafe.
  • Book your vacation with a reputable company for safety reasons as well as cost.
  • Try visiting other sites in Egypt aside from the popular ones where they would be a lot of tourists.
  • If you are a lady, wear appropriate clothing so that you do not attract person who would likely harass you.
  • Don’t ever converse with local people except you are with your tour guide. You never know who has animosity against foreigners. What’s more, never disclose to them where you are from.

These safety precautions are not only limited to when you are traveling to Egypt. You should consider them too when traveling to other countries.

To make your trip to Egypt as safe and enjoyable as possible, you need to work with a good travel company. Visit the home page to get started on your planning an unforgettable trip to Egypt.

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